Synagoge "Frankfurt Höchst"
Kulturamt der Stadt Frankfurt am Main
Completed: 2010
On the basis of original plans and photographs, the exterior of the destroyed synagogue could excellently be reproduced on the computer. However, the reconstruction of the interior was only possible with the help of Jews, who had emigrated from Höchst. Thanks to the memories of Irmgard Marx (USA), Otto Schiff (USA) and Chava Mayer (Israel) an approximate picture of the interior could be produced. The fittings and colors were developed together with the eyewitnesses at the computer, e.g. the blue vaulted ceiling with stars, the color of the interior walls and the style of the chandeliers.
The reconstruction of the synagogue was made in context with the office of the preservation of historical monuments’ considerations for a worthy remembrance at an authentic location.
The two installations made resemble telescopes. When looking through the telescopes, one gets the impression of how the synagogue would look from this point of view if it would still be standing.