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Olympic Grounds Berlin

German Historical Museum, Berlin

Completed: 2006

For a permanent exhibit of the Olympic grounds in Berlin, the history of the location was to be presented with a 3D computer reconstruction. Parallel to the simulation film, a haptic model is also on display, which shows the most important construction phases in shaded colors. The model was constructed from the digital data using the Rapid Prototyping procedure. The grounds were mill-cut. The buildings were constructed out of special synthetic material, using the Objet procedure. Afterwards the grounds and the buildings were varnished. The construction phases are emphasized by colors: building of the race track 1909, establishment of the university for physical education and the expansion to the German Sport Forum 1919 –1930, constructions for the sporting events for the Olympic games in 1936, as well as the utilization of the grounds and post-war constructions from 1945 to 2004.
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